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Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training is a work authorization that may be granted for students to engage in work or practical training that is for degree credit.

Curricular Practical Training must be an integral part of study. The course you are enrolled in must meet one of the following requirements:

  1. The course is a requirement of all students in that program of study (the program requires all students to have practical work experience in the field of study); or
  2. The student is eligible to enroll in the course with a formal practical training component and the course is related to their degree.

What to know before you submit a request for Curricular Practical Training:

  • You must be enrolled full-time for at least one academic year before you are eligible for Curricular Practical Training.
    • Students can include time spent in other programs of study if there was no break between the programs.
  • Must be an integral part of study– you will coordinate with your academic advisor about course credit you will receive during the work authorization.
  • You are allowed to work for the employer listed on your I-20.
    • You must apply for a new Curricular Practical Training authorization before you work for a new employer.
  • Employment can only be part-time (20 hours/week maximum) during fall and spring semesters and may be full-time (40 hours/week maximum) during the summer semesters.
    • Exception: Students in their final semester can work full-time, with department approval. However, Curricular practical training related credits cannot be the only credits in a student’s final semester.
    • You can change the limits of part-time or full-time (e.g., from 10 hours/week to 15 hours/week) without new authorization. However, if you change from part-time to full-time (or vice-versa) you must request a new authorization.
  • Curricular Practical Training is only available during your academic program.
  • Full-time for an aggregate of one year or more ELIMINATES Optional Practical Training eligibility.
  • USCIS approval is not required.
  • Academic department approval is required.
  • DSO approval is required.

To submit your request:

Determine if there is a course that you are eligible to enroll in that has a formal practical training component. Discuss with your academic advisor. If there is not a course available for you to enroll in, you are not eligible for CPT at this time.

STEP TWO: (If your advisor has approved a course for you)
Obtain an offer letter from employer with the following:

  • Offer of employment
  • Name and address of employer
  • Number of hours per week that the student will work.
  • Beginning and ending employment days (must follow Southeastern academic calendar)
  • Brief description of job duties

Complete the Curricular Practical Training request form with your academic advisor.

Turn in the offer letter and request form to the DSO in the International Student Services office.

After you have submitted your request to the DSO:

  • If you are approved for Curricular Practical Training, a new I-20 with the employment authorization will be issued.
    • You must continue full-time student status.
    • You must adhere to the start and end dates of the work authorization.