Spring 2021 Telework Update (assuming no FFCRA Extension)
TELEWORK Due to COVID 19 Pandemic
If an employee has a disability, and the disability – not some other factor – is what causes increased individual viral risk for the employee:
- ADA Disability Accommodation for employees should be sought through the Office of Disability Services.
- Requests are made to Tiffany Tate (ttate@se.edu) and are approved or denied by that office. Denials have an appeal pathway through the Civil Rights & Title IX Policy.
- This only applies to employee disabilities, not caring for the disabilities of others- accommodations typically manifest as an alteration of some kind to the work environment or schedule. Work continues without leave unless leave flexibility is part of the accommodation.
Sick and/or caring for a family member
If an employee has a serious health condition or is caring for an immediate family member with one:
- Traditional FMLA leave should be sought through Human Resources. This is unpaid leave (unless the employee simultaneously uses accrued leave) to care for oneself or an immediate family member (spouse, parent, or child) who has a serious medical condition such as a current Covid-19 infection.
- The employee does not work during FMLA leave unless the leave is intermittent. FMLA should not be confused with Teleworking.
- Filling out the University COVID form is required as part of the FMLA request process if the request is COVID related: at https://form.jotform.com/201426138264046
If an employee cannot work due to a mandated quarantine due to exposure or testing positive to the virus:
- The employee must use leave. Sick leave will be used first, personal leave, compensatory leave, and then annual leave during the quarantine/isolation period.
- Telework: The employee may request to Telework instead of taking leave during quarantine or isolation period. Telework may be granted for this set period of time only if the position is eligible for Telework without causing an undue burden on the department or SE.
- Filling out the University COVID form is required as part of the request process if the request is COVID related: at https://form.jotform.com/201426138264046
If the employee falls into NONE of the above categories but has some other reason for concern in being physically present at work (due to age, family member at risk, or other non-disability rationale) and they can telework without causing an undue burden to their department or SE:
- Telework should be requested through the supervisor.
- Supervisors should consult with their administrative VP in determining approvals of continued Telework so that such approvals are made on consistent criteria across the University.
SE Required
If the employee has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 the University may require Telework, the taking of accrued leave, administrative leave, or other precautionary measures to preserve the safety of the workplace, regardless of whether any of the options above have been pursued by the employee.
***IMPORTANT: Approvals of ANY of the above categories must result in notification to Human Resources so that appropriate recordkeeping and paperwork can be completed. FMLA requires medical documentation under most circumstances. SE has declared that we will waive the current requirement that shared sick leave beneficiaries must have a year of service depending on if the FFCRA is extended or a similar leave bill is provided.
These policies and procedures were updated on December 8, 2020 and are subject to change.