Distance Education Library Services
“Every student, faculty member, administrator, staff member, or any other member of any institution of higher education, is entitled to the library services and resources of that institution” (ALA, 2008)
This excerpt from the ACRL Standards for Distance Learning Library Services is the Access Entitlement Principle and the foundation for establishing equal access of library resources to distance learning students and is the guiding principle for Southeastern Oklahoma State University’s Henry G. Bennett Memorial Library’s Distance Education Library Services.
The SE Library’s Distance Education Library Services facilitate remote access for SE students, faculty, administration, and staff to all electronic resources (databases and e-books), Print materials (via ILL and OK-SHARE), and library services needed for their academic success without regard to location or time.
Distance Education FAQs
What can I access remotely? The Library Catalog, all of our Electronic Resources (Databases, e-resources), Information Literacy Tutorials, Interlibrary Loan options, Reference Help, and Research Guides are our primary resources and services for remote users.
How do I find books/articles? The search box on the Library Homepage is a good place to start or you can go directly to the library catalog for books or the Electronic Resources webpage for a list of our databases to find articles.
What is OCLC Discovery Service? This is a search system on our home page that allows you access to a variety of search methods all in the same place. The following methods are provided: 1) Everything search – will search to find resources in all formats available; 2) Books – allows you to search for both print and Ebooks within the library collections; 3) Articles – search will include print and digital articles; 4) Databases – allows you to search individual databases; 5) Journals A-Z – allows you to look for individual journal titles; 6) Course Reserves will search for course materials held in the library for in-house use.
Where do I go to get help with my research? Contact a Reference Librarian by using our chat service on the library home page, email us at askalibrarian@se.edu, or call the library at (580) 745-2932.
Where do I go to learn how to use the online tools? Henry G. Bennett Memorial Library’s Online Tutorials, Frequently asked questions (FAQ’s), and citation guide.