Behavioral Sciences department
Psychology & Sociology
- Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (2018-present)
- American Anthropologist (1997-present)
- Formerly: Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington
- American Journal of Criminal Justice (1997-present)
- American Journal of Psychiatry (1997-present)
- 1993-2014 (V.150-V.171) in Basement
- Microfiche Holdings: 1988-1992 (V.145-V.149) in Microform-Area Basement
- American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal (2006-present)
- American Journal of Sociology (1997-present)
- American Sociological Review (2004-present)
- Annual Review of Psychology (1996-present)
- 1950-2014 (V.1-V.65) on 3rd floor (150.58 AN7R)
- Clinical Psychological Science (2013-present)
- Counseling Outcome Research & Evaluation (2010-present)
- Counseling Psychologist (1969-present)
- 1969-2012 (V.1-V.40) in Basement
- Microfiche Holdings: 1998 (V.26) in Microform-Area Basement
- Crime and Delinquency (1999-present)
- 1987-2012 (V.33-V.58) in Basement
- Microfiche Holdings: 1982-1986 (V.28-V.32) in Microform-Area Basement
- Criminology (1997-present)
- 1991-2012 (V.29-V.50) in Basement
- Microfiche Holdings: 1985-1993 (V.23-V.31) in Microform-Area Basement
- Criminology & Public Policy (2001-present)
- 2002-2004, 2007-2012 (V.1-V.3, V.6-V.11) in Basement
- Current Directions in Psychological Science (1999-Basement)
- Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (1997-present)
- Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families (1999-present)
- 2007-2012 (V.15-V.20) in Basement
- Family Relations (2000-present)
- Formerly: Family Coordinator
- Gerontologist (1996-present)
- 1974-2012 (V.14-V.52) in Basement
- JAMA (1998-present)
- 1998-2020 (V.279-V.324) in Basement
- Microfiche Holdings: 1990-1997, 1999-2000 (V.263-V.278, V.281-V.284) in Microform-Area Basement
- JAMA Psychiatry (1998-present)
- Formerly: Archives of General Psychiatry
- 2013-2020 (V.70-V.77) in Basement
- Journal for Specialists in Group Work (1997-present)
- 2006-2012 (V.31-V.37) in Basement
- Journal of Career Development (1999-present)
- Formerly: Journal of Career Education
- 1984-2009 (V.11-V.35) in Basement
- Journal of College Counseling (1998-present)
- 2007-2012 (V.10-V.15) in Basement
- Journal of Counseling & Development (1997-present)
- Formerly: Personnel and Guidance Journal
- 1984-2012 (V.63-V.90) in Basement
- Journal of Family Theory & Review (2009-present)
- 2009-2013 (V.1-V.5) in Basement
- Journal of LGBT: Issues in Counseling (2006-present)
- 2012-2014 (V.6-V.8) in Basement
- Journal of Loss and Trauma (1997-present)
- Formerly: Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss
- 2001-2012 (V.6-V.17) in Basement
- Journal of Marriage and the Family (2000-present)
- Formerly: Marriage and the Family
- Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development (1985-present)
- 1994-2013 (V.22-V.41) in Basement
- Journal of Personality Assessment (1997-present)
- 1994-2012 (V.62-V.94) in Basement
- Microfiche Holdings: 1988-1993 (V.52-V.61) in Microform-Area Basement
- Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences (1996-present)
- Formerly: Journals of Gerontology
- 1995-2012 (V.50B-V.67B) in Basement
- Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (1997-present)
- 2007-2012 (V.40-V.45) in Basement
- Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement
- 2010-2018 (V.36-V.44) in Basement
- Modern Psychological Studies
- 1995-2010 (V.3-V.16) in Basement
- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (2008-present)
- Perspectives on Psychological Science (2006-present)
- Psychological Science (1999-present)
- Psychological Science in the Public Interest (2000-present)
- Psychology in the Schools (1996-present)
- 1967-1968, 1970-2016 (V.4-V.5, V.7-V.53) in Basement
- Sociology Compass (2007-present)
- Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior (1997-present)
- 2002-2012 (V.32-V.42) in Basement
- Microfiche Holdings: 1991-2001 (V.21-V.31) in Microform-Area Basement