Chemistry, Computer, and Physical Sciences is housed on all three floors of the Science Building and the General Classroom Building.
The Science Building includes faculty offices, six classrooms, a library, a classroom/computer laboratory with twenty-four workstations, two general chemistry laboratories, a biochemistry laboratory, an organic laboratory, an analytical chemistry laboratory, a core instrument laboratory, an inorganic/physical chemistry laboratory, a physics laboratory, an electronics laboratory, and a twenty laptop mobile computer laboratory with Vernier LoggerPro interfaces for real-time data collection of student experimental data.
The General Classroom Building includes faculty offices and three classrooms, and three computer labs/classrooms with thirty-two students workstations in each computer lab.
General Classroom Building
This 22,000-sq. foot facility includes three computer science labs/classrooms, two 50-seat classrooms and one 75-seat classroom. In addition, the building houses offices for social science and computer science faculty members. The new classroom building is a part of the 2005 Higher Education Bond project funded by the state.
Located at 7th and Chuckwa.
Accessibility: North Main Entrance Automatic Door
Science Building
The Science building houses offices and classrooms for Southeastern’s School of Chemistry, Computer, and Physical Sciences.
Located on the heart of campus near 5th/6th adjacent to the Fine Arts building.
Accessibility: Ramps – South (Front) & North (Back) Entrances. Automatic Door North (Back) Entrance. Elevator access to all floors.
Anasazi 90 MHz NMR: (1H and 13C)
Agilent 1100 LC-MS with ESI and APCI ionization sources
Agilent 5975/6890 GC-MS with Autosampler
Thermo-Nicolet 380 FT-IR with an ATR module
Shimadzu GC-17 gas chromatograph with FID detection and AOC-20i Autosampler
Beckman System Gold 126 HPLC, 168 diode array detector, 508 autosampler, and 32 Karat software
Aglient 1100 Binary Pump HPLC with diode-array detection
BioRad Biologic FPLC system
GBC 908 AAS with model 3000 graphite furnace
ThermoSolaar GF-AAS
Hewlett Packard 8453 diode-array UV/Vis spectrophotometer
Shimadzu UV-210 PC UV/Vis multi-cell scanning spectrophotometer with temperature control
2 Agilent G1600 3D CE with diode array detection (one is dedicated to the CE-MS)
Beckman P/ACE 5500 CE with UV-filter, diode-array, and LIF detection (442 He-Cd laser)
Beckman P/ACE 2200 CE with LIF detection (488 argon laser)
Beckman MDQ CE with UV and LIF detection (325/442 nm HeCd and 488 argon lasers)
Rainin HPLX binary HPLC with UV detection
Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrometer with temperature controlled cells, manual polarizers, and plate reader
UVP AutoChemiSystem image system for gel-plate analysis.
12 station chemistry-computer laboratory with Vernier LoggerPro interfaces for real-time data collection of student experimental data
Labconco CentriVap Concentrator (Gel Dryer)
Not Pictured:
IEC B-60 ultracentrifuge
IEC Centra MP4R Refrigerated Centrifuge
New Brunswick Scientific Innova 4230 Refrigerated Microbial Incubator/Shaker
Several temperature-controlled Stationary Incubators
Millipore MilliQ water polishing systems
Hirayama HV-85 autoclave
Harris -80°C freezer
Baker Company laminar flow hood
Domnick Hunter nitrogen generator
Savant – SpeedVac sample concentrator system
Pierce Reacti-Therm concentrators/reactors
In addition, the Department of CC&PS also owns a variety of common equipment found in teaching laboratories including refrigerators, balances (top-loading and analytical), pH meters, water baths, orbital shakers, and most common glassware that is available for research activities.