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2023 Graduate Highlights

Maxwell Hamblin-Compere

Major: Studio Art

Hometown: Durant, OK

What advice would you give your past self prior to attending college? “Things aren’t going to stick to the plan – and it’s going to be more fun that way! I left high school thinking that I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up and how I was going to get there, but once I got to college that completely changed for me – and I’m way happier for it.”

What would you tell someone who is considering attending Southeastern? “The Art program at Southeastern is incredible. The faculty in the program are masters in their fields, and their mission as a department is to help you become one too. Whether you’re interested in painting, ceramics, or graphic design, this will be a great place for you to build your foundation as a professional artist.”

What goal have you achieved that felt far away your first year in college? “Earlier this semester, one of my paintings was accepted into the ArtONE Norman Arts Council Arts Auction, and was exhibited next to a myriad of works from all over the state of Oklahoma. Taking my work out of an academic context and having it displayed with so many other professionals was a dream come true. I can’t wait to see what’s next!”

What are your plans after you graduate from Southeastern? “After I graduate from Southeastern, I will be attending an MFA program at the Maine College of Art and Design! I plan to expand my knowledge of the fundamentals of painting, and continue to explore the use of other mediums as a vessel for my content.”

How will your knowledge and courses from Southeastern help you achieve your future goals? “The faculty and sta􀀂 at Southeastern have helped to prepare me for my future in a myriad of ways. From constructive critiques with Dr. Adams in painting, to presenting at leadership conferences about my work with CIDT, Southeastern has given me opportunities to grow and explore. As a developing professional, these experiences that put me out of my comfort zone and exposed me to new ideas were the ones that prepared me most for my future. I’m very grateful for the instructors and staff that helped me get here.”

A special thank you: I’d like to specially thank Christala Smith, Alisha Ridenour, Dr. Donna Adams, Amy Gantt, Matthew Freeman, Dr. Gleny Beach, Dr. Margaret Cotter-Lynch, Adeline Patterson, Calia Walker, Rebecca Vinson, and my kind, hilarious family for all of their support, love, and guidance throughout my time in school.


Cooper McKinney

Major: Chemistry (Medical Science Interdisciplinary)

Hometown: Calera, OK

What advice would you give your past self prior to attending college? “I would advise my past self to participate in more organizations and other campus activities. One of my few regrets is not prioritizing campus events because I thought I would have more time later. Four years seem long at the start, but it goes by quick so make the most by attending and interacting with campus events.”

What would you tell someone who is considering attending Southeastern? “Build professional relationships with the faculty. The faculty at Southeastern are excellent and very supportive. Many opportunities I had were because of faculty interaction, the faculty would inform me of events and help me get into programs through letters of recommendation.”

What goal have you achieved that felt far away your first year in college? “As a freshman I attended the American Chemical Society student organization meetings. I would have never imagined running for a position in any student organization as a freshman. As a senior, I am now the president of the Southeastern chapter of the American Chemical Society.”

What are your plans after you graduate from Southeastern? “I was accepted into the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences at the Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. In this program I will pursue my Doctorate in Biomedical research.”

How will your knowledge and courses from Southeastern help you achieve your future goals? “I believe my courses at Southeastern have given me a great foundation for the continuation of my academic journey at OUHSC. My research experience at Southeastern has prepared me for a more rigorous lab and research experience.”

Spring 2023 Graduate Highlights

Justin Smith Open Close


Justin Smith

Major: Biology-Zoology

Hometown: Sherman, TX

What advice would you give your past self prior to attending college? “Always do what you feel is right.”

What would you tell someone who is considering attending Southeastern? “Even if you are unsure of what you want to do start with completing basics. It’s always good to start getting classes completed and I’m sure you will 􀀁nd exactly what you want to do along the way!”

What goal have you achieved that felt far away your first year in college? “Graduating in a field that I truly feel is right for me.”

What are your plans after you graduate from Southeastern? “Hopefully get a job as an animal caretaker in a zoo somewhere. My dream would be to get a job at the Fort Worth Zoo or Disney’s Animal Kingdom!”

How will your knowledge and courses from Southeastern help you achieve your future goals? “Taking the many zoology courses Southeastern has to o􀀂er will help me do a great job when working and taking care of the animals I get the opportunity to work with.”

Mekenzie Cruz Open Close


Mekenzie Cruz

Major: Double Theatre (Acting/Directing and Management in Promotions)

Hometown: Tulsa, OK

What advice would you give your past self prior to attending college? “The best advice I would give myself is to soak in every moment that you can on campus. The years you’re in college will go FAST and before you know it you will be a senior. Take lots of pictures, go on late-night food runs with your roommates, and just enjoy as much of college as you can!”

What would you tell someone who is considering attending Southeastern? “Use your resources! There are so many amazing things available to you for free that you should utilize because you will not have access to them after you get out of college.”

What goal have you achieved that felt far away your first year in college? “Being selected as Homecoming Royalty was something I never thought would happen. I would see those people getting announced and think that’s amazing hopefully one day I can at least be nominated and walk onto the field. My goal was to simply be nominated so I could walk on the 􀀁eld during Homecoming. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would win. It was a very surreal moment that I knew hard work does pay o􀀂 and being able to celebrate that with my friends and family was something I will never forget.”

What are your plans after you graduate from Southeastern? “Post graduation I plan on working full-time locally for about two years while I work on building a directing portfolio. After that, I plan to attend Baylor University and purse my M.F.A in Directing.”

How will your knowledge and courses from Southeastern help you achieve your future goals? “I have been able to learn so much while attending Southeastern. I have also had a large number of hands-on experiences that will be beneficial in becoming a college director. The courses I have been able to take in the theatre department expanded my depth of knowledge beyond what I was expecting and now I will be able to take that and apply it in my master’s program and my career after.”

Madison Hunt Open Close

Madison Hunt

Major: Biology and Chemistry (Medical Science Interdisciplinary)

Hometown: Lone Grove, OK

What advice would you give your past self prior to attending college? “I would tell myself that just because something works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you and that’s more than okay. I would tell myself to live life like there is no tomorrow because if you do, you won’t regret it. I would tell myself to always remember your goals and continue to push to achieve them. Finally, I would remind myself that everything happens for a reason and to just go with it. Enjoy your next four years Madison because you will do incredible things here at Southeastern.”

What would you tell someone who is considering attending Southeastern? “I would tell them about my personal experiences at Southeastern. I would tell them how Southeastern is not just somewhere I went for 4 years but how Southeastern is now a part of who I am. The memories I’ve made here are unmatched, unique, and special. Most of all, I would not only tell them how Southeastern is a place I will always look back on fondly, but I would show them how much this university means to me. Finally, I would tell anyone considering Southeastern that they only get to live the next couple years of their lives once, so if they choose to spend that time at Southeastern and make the most out of their decision, they won’t be disappointed.”

What goal have you achieved that felt far away your first year in college? “Everything felt far away when I was a freshman. I walked into college with wide eyes and gained a entirely new outlook on life. For one, graduating is something that couldn’t have felt farther away and now I’m here. I couldn’t be prouder of the time I have spent here at Southeastern. I became the cheer captain of the every first Savage Storm Cheer team to every compete. I was elected by the student body population to serve as Student Body President my senior year. I have done some incredible things here at Southeastern; however, making forever friends is something I just thought people talked about, and now I couldn’t be happier to say that I have found my forever people.”

What are your plans after you graduate from Southeastern? “After graduating from Southeastern, I plan to gain dental experience in a dentist office while traveling when and where I can for the next year. During this next year, I plan to take the DAT and then apply to dental schools. Ultimately, I plan to attend dental school and live my dream of helping people by becoming an orthodontist.”

How will your knowledge and courses from Southeastern help you achieve your future goals? “My knowledge attained from Southeastern will continue to influence how I think and process information and interactions. Southeastern has taught me in and outside of the classroom. I have learned invaluable things at Southeastern: human anatomy but also time management, how the immune system works but also how to communicate with people, chemical reactions but most importantly how to be comfortable in being the person I am. All of these items will help me achieve my goal of being an orthodontist, and all are equally as valuable as the next.”

Taylor Grubbs Open Close


Taylor Grubbs

Major: History

Hometown: Boswell, OK

What advice would you give your past self prior to attending college? “I would tell my past self that it is okay if everything doesn’t turn out the way you originally think or want things to be. Life can get complicated and plans change.”

What would you tell someone who is considering attending Southeastern? “Southeastern is a great school for everyone. The SE community allows a person to grow and become who they want to be. There is something to do all the time! I also feel that the SE community is super supportive in times of crisis. This last year has been difficult for me, and my professors and the people I work with on campus have all been helpful and supportive in that time.”

What goal have you achieved that felt far away your first year in college? “When I was a freshman, I felt I had to accomplish everything within the “normal” timeline, which felt like it would take forever. However, over the years, I’ve learned to slow down and appreciate the individual steps that it takes to get to graduation and the world beyond it.”

What are your plans after you graduate from Southeastern? “I plan to take the next few years to work here on campus and mentally recenter myself. After that time, I will be applying for graduate programs in history. I plan to focus on comparative colonial practices in Scotland and colonial America by the British Empire.”

How will your knowledge and courses from Southeastern help you achieve your future goals? “I have taken a lot of courses here at Southeastern that do and don’t fit in within my planned field. However, I feel that I have learned something valuable from each, individual course that I have taken. Whether it’s knowledge about the history that I will be studying/something related or practical skills gained from general courses, I believe that Southeastern allows students to become well-rounded individuals who are prepared to follow their plans or adapt to new ones.”