Applications for STEM summer academy to be accepted beginning March 1 at Southeastern
February 21, 2022
For the second year in a row, Southeastern Oklahoma State University will be the site of a PI-STEM Summer Academy for students who will be in 8th or 9th grade in the fall of 2022.
The application period begins on March 1, and the selection of participants will begin on April 1. This free day-camp experience will be June 6-10 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Southeastern’s Durant campus.
Water rocket and water balloon launching, calculating tree heights, exploring light & sound, and water & soil testing are among the activities planned. Students will be exploring, experimenting, and solving problems related to environmental, physical, and life sciences as well as a broad range of secondary mathematics topics. To that end, participants will use a variety of technological and other tools to explore, experiment, problem solve and communicate
A data collection field trip and pool party are also part of the academy. Early drop-off and late pick-up will be provided as needed, and each participant will receive a TI-84 CE graphing calculator and a t-shirt.
Applications will be available through the website noted below.
The PI-STEM Academy is funded by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
To register, visit the PI-STEM website:
For more information, contact Michael Hardy (, Kate Shannon ( or Caleb Smith (